
Today Was A Milestone

22nd March 2018

We got some great news today from our good friend Ben in Dar Es Salaam. After our application for exemption of duty was rejected he went to see the commissioner personally.

He put our case forward for the baby home and the children.

Our revised letter of exemption is fantastic news.

Our gratitude to Ben Masuka and Hannah Towlson.

10 Tons of Baby and children’s essentials donated by our members are packed into our 40 foot container heading for the kids at forever angels baby home ( in Mwanza Tanzania.

Previous containers seem to attract more and more duty, this time with the right people in the right places we have for the first time been given a letter of exemption from the commissioner for our Big Box of Hope.

A busman’s holiday in Dar Es Salaam to see some great kids

22nd March 2018

I spent my first day in Africa visiting the Human Dreams children’s Village in Dar Es Salaam,
It is home to 14 severely handicapped children, The orphanage is amazing , the children laugh a lot and and are all so very well looked after and loved,

It was great to meet up with an old friend called Martin that i met at Forever Angels baby home 2 years ago where he was brought up from birth, it was great to see him flourish with children of his own age and abilities,

The German Lady that cares for them is a true angel,


Preparing for Africa

14th March 2018

Being able to do a blog will mean i can post even more pictures and videos ,

I said my goodbye’s tonight to the wonderful caring people at the soup kitchen at the courts,

I came away with lots and lots of sweets for the ankle biters ,

A very special lady from the volunteers gave me £220 to spend at the orphanage, with this i will buy paint and do a lot of decorating whilst I’m there ,  these walls need some serious painting ,